Please Vote!

CHASTE & FAKING IT have been nominated for the 2015 RONE Award in the Contemporary (Steamy) category! Please show your support and McCullough love by voting! You can vote TWICE...

The Moms behind Maureen McCullough

I am often asked where my characters come from. It’s a small vault I store in the big toe of my right foot. LOL! No. I honestly don’t know. I...

Tuesday Tips: The Beauty of a Beta

Betareader: also referred to as pre-reader or critiquer, is a non-professional reader who reads a written work, generally fiction, with the intent of looking over the material to find and improve...

Tuesday’s Tip: An Author’s Schedule

Welcome to the first of my Tuesday’s Tips segment here on Literally Lydia. This segment is intended to help fellow writers and aspiring authors gain insight into the world of books,...

We Have Lift Off!

As of February 2015, will be relocating to The will be moving to this site and getting a brand new look! Please bear with us as we iron...